Control-click any column header to enable or disable any column. The twelve columns display a variety of technical information, and thumbnails, about each image. The screen on the right displays all the still ( HEIC) and movie ( MOV) files stored on your device. Click the name of the currently-connected phone. NOTE: If you have connected different iPhones to your computer over time, you may see more than one phone listed. (I suspect, but haven’t tested, that if you connect a camera, it will show up in the Shared section of the sidebar.) In the sidebar on the left, click Devices, then select the name of your iPhone (your name will be different from mine).This app can’t transfer files from phones you don’t have login access to. NOTE: During launch, the application will ask you to unlock to your iPhone. Launch the app ( Applications > Image Capture).Use a cable to connect your iPhone to your Mac.The Image Capture Help files go into these options in more detail. NOTE: You can use Image Capture to transfer files from an iPad or a camera.

And what I discovered is that this app makes transferring media even easier than Preview.

Hmm… I don’t think I’ve ever launched Image Capture, so this week, I decided to take a closer look. ( See it here.) Afterward, a reader wrote to say they used Image Capture (another Apple-supplied application) for the same purpose and found it easier to use. Last week, I posted a video demo on how to use Preview to transfer media files from an iPhone to a Mac.