You are challenged to construct an epic war machine and use it to become a dominating world power.
Machines at War v.1.2 Command hundreds of units across the battlefield in this real time strategy game. Nuclear Reactor v.1.0 A nuclear power station is about to blow up and only Jack Mutant can save the world from total annihilation. It uses all of TA's media, but is a truely 3D engine, complete with movable cameras! OpenGL TA Project v.1.0 The OpenGL TA project is aimed at taking the greatest RTS game of all time, Total Annihilation and converting it into true 3D and open source. TA3D v.rc TA3D is a remake of Total Annihilation (a real time strategy game) in real 3D using OpenGl, Allegro(GL), for Windows linux. Spring RTS Engine v.rc Spring is a project aiming to create a new and versatile RTS Engine in the spirit of the game Total Annihilation from 1997. We want to create a cross-platform gaming community around the Spring engine and Total Annihilation style. Spring for Linux v.0.74b1 The TASpring linux project aims at porting Clan SY's TA:Spring game engine to Linux. This game is multiplayer only, with LAN support for up to 12 players.Old versions are in Java, new versions will be in. NetWar v.0.5.0 This is a real-time-stratagy game, similiar to Command & Conquer, Starcraft, and Total Annihilation. MeCpp v.0.1 A collection of C++ include files useful in cross-platform development, focusing on OpenGL and file formats from Total Annihilation, with demontration. It features steering behavior, custom unit abilities and model animations, a shell, shared control/visibility/resources, projective shadows, view rotation/zooming/tilting, and random. Machinations v.35 A 3D RTS game similar to Starcraft and Total Annihilation. Tired Annihilation v.1.0 Tired Annihilation is a complete overhaul of the Total Annihilation mod Absolute Annihilation with balance and cost changes, new lua, new scripts, new units, and an obviously more likeable name. Many new and balanced units and features add to gameplay without making anything.
Absolute Annihilation RTS v.223 The most-played dataset for the open-source Spring RTS engine and also a massive mod available for Cavedog Entertainment's legendary 1997 RTS, Total Annihilation.
TA:T has over 500 units and is balanced for.
Total Annihilation: Twilight v.1.0 Total Annihilation: Twilight is a massive extension/expansion of Total Annihilation, painstakingly balancing old units and adding in new ones, and carries on where Absolute Annihilation left off.